Projekt Firmengruppe
Wind. Know. How.



Time to switch off - pilot project in Oldenbroker Feld wind farm makes turbines only flash when needed!

Projekt Group turns needs-based nighttime marking (NBNM) into reality.

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Bolivia – Energy Minister signs letter of intent

Government consultations enable the development of several wind and solar power plants for electricity supply to villages and for CO2-free lithium extraction as the basis for electro-mobility.

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Intelligent service

Björn Buchhorn (left) and Lars Gronemeier in the training room

Experts certified according to DIN ISO 18436-2:2014-11 for condition-based machine monitoring in Category II

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Projekt Ökovest GmbH attracts order for repowering project

In the second bidding round of 2018 for onshore wind energy, the Federal Network Agency provides more planning security for Projekt in the area of grid development.

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Projekt GmbH as General Contractor puts Oldenbroker Field III Wind Park into operation

The Oldenburg project developer and general contractor has now put the last of a total of 9 plants of the 30-MW wind park built in 2017 into operation.

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A question of responsibility!

[Translate to en:] Eltern wählen für ihre Kinder

"Eltern wählen für ihre Kinder" (Parents vote for their children), an initiative we are happy to support.

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Dötlingen and Hengsterholz community wind farms inaugurated

Many families, residents and citizens of the municipalities of Dötlingen und Ganderkesee in Lower Saxony have come to tour their very own wind farm.

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Projekt GmbH successful as a general contractor

Construction work has started on the Hengsterholz community wind farm, and the first turbines have been erected in Oldenbroker Feld.

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41-MW contract for technical operational management

VR Energieprojekte Dötlingen Verwaltungs GmbH has contracted Projekt GmbH with the technical operational management of the 11 Vestas V 126 and one V 117 in its community wind farm with citizen participation.

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Brazilian subsidiary of Projekt Ökovest GmbH continues on growth trajectory

Ecoprojeto Ltda. is managing reforestation work in Soledade, Rio Grande do Sul, according to the principles of sustainability.

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Projekt GmbH

Projektierungsgesellschaft für
regenerative Energiesysteme mbH
Alexanderstraße 404b
26127 Oldenburg
Phone: +49 441 96170-0
Fax: +49 441 96170-10
[email protected]

Projekt Ökovest GmbH

Alexanderstraße 404b
26127 Oldenburg
Phone: +49 441 96170-0
Fax: +49 441 96170-10
[email protected]

WindWerte Kapitalanlagen GmbH

Alexanderstraße 404b
26127 Oldenburg
Phone: +49 441 96170-0
Fax: +49 441 96170-10
[email protected]