Projekt Group turns needs-based nighttime marking (NBNM) into reality.
more >Government consultations enable the development of several wind and solar power plants for electricity supply to villages and for CO2-free lithium extraction as the basis for electro-mobility.
more >Experts certified according to DIN ISO 18436-2:2014-11 for condition-based machine monitoring in Category II
more >In the second bidding round of 2018 for onshore wind energy, the Federal Network Agency provides more planning security for Projekt in the area of grid development.
more >The Oldenburg project developer and general contractor has now put the last of a total of 9 plants of the 30-MW wind park built in 2017 into operation.
more >"Eltern wählen für ihre Kinder" (Parents vote for their children), an initiative we are happy to support.
more >Many families, residents and citizens of the municipalities of Dötlingen und Ganderkesee in Lower Saxony have come to tour their very own wind farm.
more >Construction work has started on the Hengsterholz community wind farm, and the first turbines have been erected in Oldenbroker Feld.
more >VR Energieprojekte Dötlingen Verwaltungs GmbH has contracted Projekt GmbH with the technical operational management of the 11 Vestas V 126 and one V 117 in its community wind farm with citizen participation.
more >Ecoprojeto Ltda. is managing reforestation work in Soledade, Rio Grande do Sul, according to the principles of sustainability.
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