Projekt Firmengruppe
Wind. Know. How.



Namibia - hotspot for green hydrogen production

Energy Export Initiative supports the development and establishment of a green hydrogen economy.

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Third construction phase will enable Frescomar to be self-sufficient

1.5 MWpeak are installed and will supply up to 100% of the fish factory’s power needs during the day.

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Ökovest project receives approval for repowering in Ovelgönne

The Oldenbroker Feld project has been in operation since 2001. In a first construction phase, 8 wind turbines will be replaced by only three systems.

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Revenue absorption creates both orders and confusion

The electricity price cap legislation passed on 24 December 2022 is designed to provide relief for companies and citizens, while increasing the costs for operators of wind and solar farms.

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Positive wind power planning

The district of Wesermarsch and the municipality of Ovelgönne collaborate closely as they are planning for a "wind of change".

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Next Generation - Ecoproject Iberia S.L. joins Projekt group of companies

Together with partners in the region, the company is preparing the development of the Spanish and Portuguese markets along with the financing, construction and operation of wind and solar power projects.

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Spain to host 1st German-Spanish Conference for Green Hydrogen

Projekt GmbH takes part as consortium leader of the companies united in HYBERIA.

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Ecoprojeto receives preliminary approval (Licença Prévia) for 29.4 MW

Fepam confirms environmental feasibility of Giruá wind farm to Brazilian subsidiary of Projekt Ökovest GmbH.

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Second construction phase on Cape Verde connected to the grid

Two years of successful solar energy production avoid 200 t of CO2 so far with a production of over 300 MWh.

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Speeding up the energy transition with wind power

Programme for the 20th legislative period presented: wind power can deliver climate protection.

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Projekt GmbH

Projektierungsgesellschaft für
regenerative Energiesysteme mbH
Alexanderstraße 404b
26127 Oldenburg
Phone: +49 441 96170-0
Fax: +49 441 96170-10
[email protected]

Projekt Ökovest GmbH

Alexanderstraße 404b
26127 Oldenburg
Phone: +49 441 96170-0
Fax: +49 441 96170-10
[email protected]

WindWerte Kapitalanlagen GmbH

Alexanderstraße 404b
26127 Oldenburg
Phone: +49 441 96170-0
Fax: +49 441 96170-10
[email protected]