Projekt Firmengruppe
Wind. Know. How.


Cooperation with EKZ to continue

The electricity utilities of the canton of Zurich (EKZ) have also acquired the already operative third development stage of Garlipp wind farm in Saxony-Anhalt from the Projekt group.

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Schoolkids take a closer look at renewable energy generation

During a project day on 7 July 2015, a total of 100 pupils and teachers of Winckelmann grammar school in Stendal visited the wind farm in Garlipp as well as a bio-gas plant run by the Hausmann family on their farm.

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Construction of "Sandbank" gets under way

About to become reality: renewable electricity from the North Sea, 24 hours per day, from just over the horizon.

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Project GmbH generates further orders for technical management of more than 100 MW

As from 1 January 2015, Projekt GmbH takes over technical operation of the wind farms of Pfalzwind GmbH and SKW Gemini GmbH & Co. KG.

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PFALZWERKE awards operational management contract to Projekt GmbH

PFALZWERKE AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT's seven GE 2.5-120 wind energy turbines with a hub height of 139 m on the wind farms in Göllheim and Oberndorf are now on stream.

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Local district committed to Oldenbroker Feld wind farm

The wind farm plans in the Ovelgönne district have been revised, and the reform of the land development plan could be wrapped up by the end of 2013.

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HABITASUL group purchases Pinhal wind farm

Wind energy becomes part of the environmental management of the Brazilian group

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Minister for Economic Affairs Olaf Lies visits Projekt group

Achieving the energy turnaround as well as planning security - these were the core points discussed with the Minister. He was very interested to hear about the successes so far and the danger of destabilisation of the wind energy industry posed by current federal government policy.

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CooperVento purchses Giruá wind farm

Cooperative energy utility CRELUZ has formed a joint venture with CERILUZ and CERTHIL under the name CooperVento S/A. The new company has purchased Giruá wind farm from Ecoprojeto Ltda., a subsidiary of Projekt Ökovest GmbH. The project has an installation permit and a grid connection for 20 MW. Ecoprojeto remains the project developer with a 25 % share and equal voting rights.

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Investing in the energy changeover: WindWerte Kapitalanlagen GmbH founded

In order to give the development portfolio of the Projekt group a solid structure in terms of material value and investment returns, two longstanding employees of the Projekt group, the industrial and management engineers Sebastian Humpert and Sebastian Styrnol, founded WindWerte Kapitalanlagen GmbH in mid-February. In future, alongside their activities in the group, they will act as managing partners of the new company and manage the WindWerte portfolio fund.

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Projekt GmbH

Projektierungsgesellschaft für
regenerative Energiesysteme mbH
Alexanderstraße 404b
26127 Oldenburg
Phone: +49 441 96170-0
Fax: +49 441 96170-10
[email protected]

Projekt Ökovest GmbH

Alexanderstraße 404b
26127 Oldenburg
Phone: +49 441 96170-0
Fax: +49 441 96170-10
[email protected]

WindWerte Kapitalanlagen GmbH

Alexanderstraße 404b
26127 Oldenburg
Phone: +49 441 96170-0
Fax: +49 441 96170-10
[email protected]